Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Interwebs dot dot dot

    ever heard of the hunger games? well, it's this bad-ass book that I just finished minutes ago. it's awesome. i can't even begin to describe how awesome it was, just go buy yourself a copy and read it. Oh!! and zoe, i'm bringing it to you tomorrow, because I'm amazing and trust worthy.

                  I also wanted to talk about my addiction.
    See... there's this thing, called the internet. If you haven't heard of it, then why the hell are you here? That doesn't make any sense. Get off my blog and read a book. 
     So internet and I sorta have a thing. He let's me waste most of my time on him, and I give him cookies. it's a fair deal. (Oh shit cats waking up and wanting a cuddle, can't see keyboard.. I will try as hard as I can to make sense.)   eh wed akk luje DON'T and then was allk mehhjj shtnen Heil, mein Führer and then i waslskj whoatttt..

             swroory abuti dath
    that was interesting.. I think I'm going to leave that in there.

             *** i do NOT encourage nazisme. 
that was a joke, don't take me 
seriously... ever. NEVER EVER EVER. ....

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